点击进入 - 2024-05-02 - 收藏东莞兆达家具有限公司
东莞兆达家具有限公司是一家专业从事中高档办公家具设计、生产及销售的企业。为产品的销售提供了有利的畅通渠道,加上“重质量、守信誉”从而赢得市场竞争的生机。 东莞兆达家具有限公司以其现代卓越的设计、优良的品质及完善的售前、售中、售后服务体系,广受客户赞誉,在同行业中脱颖而出,成为行业的知名品牌。现生产及经营的办公系列有:办公家具、存包柜、保险柜、仓储设备、货架、家具、书架、密集架等,一直把产品的设计、开发放在的重要位置,获得消费者的一致好评。
点击进入 - 2024-05-02 - 收藏东莞市家思家具有限公司
点击进入 - 2024-05-02 - 收藏上海富家家具有限公司
上海富家家具有限公司成立于2001年,位于上海市嘉定区,经营产品涵盖办公家具和教育家具两个领域,多次参加过上海家具展和广州家具展。 我们已经取得ISO9001质量管理体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证、ISO45001职业健康安全管理体系认证。
点击进入 - 2024-05-02 - 收藏长江家具-深圳长江家具有限公司
长江家具深圳长江家具有限公司创立于1986年,注册资金为27000万元港币。现有员工一千余人,总部位于深圳龙华中心区39层长江中心大厦,在广东河源高新区拥有三十万平方米的大型家具生产基地,年产值达15亿元。 公司秉承“团结、拼搏、创新、高效”的企业精神,在三十余年的发展历程中,我们不断探索、坚持创新,取得了发明专利、实用新型专利、外观设计专利和软件著作权共计200余项。早在2014年就发明出“一种木质板件微波干燥的装置和方法”的专利技术,解决水性漆干燥的行业难题。多年来,长江家具参与多个国家标准和行业标准的起草工作,创造了众多行业辉煌:是中国大陆最早推出真皮大班椅的企业之一;在行业发展早期就提出“产品质量五年保证”的承诺;是最早成为顾问式办公家具综合配套的企业之一。
点击进入 - 2024-05-02 - 收藏Foshan Hongqiao Furniture Co., Ltd.
Foshan Hongqiao Furniture Co., Ltd.—office furniture brand, a large private enterprise company specializing in R&D and production of office furniture, sales
点击进入 - 2024-05-02 - 收藏广州市众泰家具有限公司
点击进入 - 2024-05-02 - 收藏Qingdao Sky Furniture Co. Ltd.
Qingdao Sky Furniture Co. Ltd. is a professional wooden furniture trafficker, established in 2005 and turns over 15millionsdollars per year now. It owns the professional wooden products lines, the factoryis established in 2009 and covers an area of more than 25,000 square meters, located in environment provided a vast space for it’s development. There are more than 100 advanced equipmentand 120 experienced workers, strict management system, continuous innovation of the design, ensure to providing high-quality and environmentally-friendly products with a reasonable price for customers. We are specialized in producing all kinds of wooden furniture, such as wooden dining table, chair,chest, bed,shelf etc. The products with modern style, high quality so they are welcomed by customers at home and abroad. Most of them are exported to EU,USA, UK, Japan and so on. Together with the staffs of the company, the manager cordially welcomes customers home and abroad to visit our company for cooperation and negotiation.
点击进入 - 2024-05-02 - 收藏Shanghai wenyu furniture co.,LTD_upholstery_fabric sofa_chair
Shanghai wenyu furniture co.,LTD-was founded in 1992 and located in Shanghai. With 100,000sq.ft workrooms Wenyu specialize in fabric sofas and other uphols
点击进入 - 2024-05-02 - 收藏Guangdong Esun Furniture Technology CO.,LTD.
Ekintop office furniture manufacture, Provide customized and OEM&ODM services.The company has its own brand and at present it has two factories, and a Hong Kong office. We focus on innovation and design, high quality, functional, flexible products, and Made-to-Order service.
点击进入 - 2024-05-02 - 收藏