TTN Yongxing Bearing Co., Ltd.

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  • 2024-05-05收录时间

TTN Yongxing Bearing Co., Ltd. was established in the seventies of the twentieth century, is a professional design and production of bearings manufacturers in Taiwan. 1999 yearFar awayShanghai TTN Yongxing Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in Shanghai to expand the Greater China market and continuously develop high-precision bearing products such as precision mechanical components and automotive parts. In 2005, in response to the rapid demand of the market, the Ningbo branch was expanded to improve the production line of high-end automobile and motorcycle motors and bicycle products。In 2007, Kunshan Yirong Bearing Co., Ltd. was established to establish the KYR brand for medical equipment and provide customers with more cost-effective products。
ttn yongxing bearing co. ltd.
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