2024遵义中考成绩查询入口www.zyszsksb.cn查询时间:7月8日前 查询方式: 1.市招生考试办公室通过短信向考生在报名时预留手机号码推送考生本人中考成绩和区域内位次。 2.登录遵义市招生考试网(http://www.zyszsksb.cn/) , 正确输入报名号和密码后,可查询考生本人中考成绩和区域内位次。 3.登录“ i遵义”APP ,首页 → 中考成绩查询 → 输入考生相关信息即可进行中考分数、位次查询。
点击进入 - 2024-07-06 - 收藏中南传媒官网-中南出版传媒集团股份有限公司
中南出版传媒集团股份有限公司(以下简称中南传媒)由湖南出版投资控股集团有限公司主营业务和资产重组改制而来,成立于2008年12月25日,现有注册资本17.96亿元人民币。2010年10月28 日,中南传媒在上海证券交易所挂牌上市(股票代码:601098),募集资金42.43亿元,超募130%,成为我国第一支全产业链整体上市的出版传媒股。
点击进入 - 2024-06-19 - 收藏Zhongshan Scientec Electrical Manufacturing Co., L
Zhongshan Scientec Electrical Manufacturing Co., Ltd is an experienced manufacturer of electrical appliances. We are devoted with all of our resources zone. Our products are mainly exported to Europe, North America, Australia and Korea. We were established in November, 2007, located in Zhongshan, Guangdong, China. Our main products are electric patio heaters, which can stay under all weather conditions. To satisfy variety demands of customers, we established a professional team to investigate market and design difference types of products, such as stand heater, wall mounted heater, ceiling heater, column heater, and so on. Oriented by the policy of Supremacy of Customers\' Trust and Interest, we have obtained the international quality certificate ISO9001:2015. Our products are approved of ETL / cETL / CE / GS / EMC / CB / ERP / RoHS / REACH. At the same time, we also provide high quality services to every customer, including pre-service, while-servise and after-service.
点击进入 - 2024-05-08 - 收藏GUANGZHOU HAILA Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
GUANGZHOU HAILA Auto Parts Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. ,established in 2006, is a modern enterprise specializing in manufacturing power steering rack and pump , valve . We are located in in Zhuliao Industrial Zone Baiyun District Guangzhou City, covering an area of 20 acres and the plant area of over 10,000 square meters. It is equipped with convenient transportation with 5KM away from the Baiyun International Airport . We have more than one hundred staff including more than 18 professional technicians. We have independent R&D capabilities, specialized in R&D .
点击进入 - 2024-05-08 - 收藏东莞兆达家具有限公司
东莞兆达家具有限公司是一家专业从事中高档办公家具设计、生产及销售的企业。为产品的销售提供了有利的畅通渠道,加上“重质量、守信誉”从而赢得市场竞争的生机。 东莞兆达家具有限公司以其现代卓越的设计、优良的品质及完善的售前、售中、售后服务体系,广受客户赞誉,在同行业中脱颖而出,成为行业的知名品牌。现生产及经营的办公系列有:办公家具、存包柜、保险柜、仓储设备、货架、家具、书架、密集架等,一直把产品的设计、开发放在的重要位置,获得消费者的一致好评。
点击进入 - 2024-05-02 - 收藏中科机械-江苏中科机械有限公司
点击进入 - 2024-04-23 - 收藏恒通机械-张家港市恒通机械有限公司
张家港市恒通机械有限公司坐落于长三角黄金水道南岸,风景秀美,经济富庶,乃是全国文明卫生及联合国人居生态园林城市的张家港市,东壤上海,北枕长江,西接南京,临江达海,交通便捷。 恒通机械是医药、化工、环保、污泥脱水、石油钻井、纺织印染、食品、涂装等工业离心机专业制造企业,集科研、化工、服务为一体,始终坚持科技进步为本公司的根本,致力打造行业知名品牌,严格执行GB/T13756和GB/T13755国家标准,对照制药\"GMP\"规范及食品生产卫生许可要求,优化产品设计,产品各项性能指标具有国内同行业领先水平,坚持质量第一,对用户负责的精神,树立安全高于一切,专注于\"我精工制造,您放心使用\"这一永恒的质量方针,更有资深工程师为您提供方便、实用、快界的分离解决方案。
点击进入 - 2024-04-23 - 收藏