• 商界传媒官网



    点击进入 - 2024-06-19 - 收藏
  • 央广传媒官网-央广传媒集团有限公司


     央广传媒集团有限公司(简称“央广传媒集团”)是中央广播电视总台(简称“总台”)全额出资的国有法人独资有限责任公司,系总台所属一级企业,其前身是1992年成立的中广达广播发展总公司。 2021年12月,公司由全民所有制企业改制为国有法人独资有限责任公司,正式更名为“央广传媒集团有限公司”。作为中央广播电视总台产业经营平台,央广传媒集团承担着运营总台相关媒体资源、自主经营扩张发展、反哺总台媒体事业的职责与使命。央广传媒集团业务涵盖媒体节目制作、媒体广告、媒体零售、移动互联网音频、互联网站、手机电视、互联网电视等业务,收入规模、盈利能力位居行业前列。

    点击进入 - 2024-06-19 - 收藏
  • 中国(宁波)国际家电博览会官网



    点击进入 - 2024-06-17 - 收藏
  • Colmar官网


    Colmar , 意大利冬季服装知名品牌。中文译音: 科尔马。Colmar 的前身是由意大利人Mario Colombo先生在1923年创立的Mario Colombo & C. SPA工厂。

    点击进入 - 2024-06-02 - 收藏
  • COACH蔻驰官网-源自纽约的国际时尚品牌


    COACH是源自纽约的设计品牌,产品系列包括皮具、服饰、鞋履、香水、眼镜等时尚精品。诚邀您莅临官网选购,开启您的潮流之旅。蔻驰 ,1941年诞生。总部位于纽约。COACH是美国高端生活方式时尚品牌,为男士、女士提供精致配饰与礼品,产品系列包括女士手袋、男士包款、男士及女士小皮具、鞋履、服饰、手表、旅行用品、围巾、太阳眼镜、香水、时尚首饰等。

    点击进入 - 2024-06-02 - 收藏
  • Grow and Manage Your Instagram Account | Combin

    Grow and Manage Your Instagram Account | Combin

    Increase Instagram followers and manage your account effectively. Gain more followers and boost your Instagram account productivity with Combin.

    点击进入 - 2024-05-15 - 收藏
  • Search Engine for Source Code - PublicWWW

    Search Engine for Source Code - PublicWWW

    Search engine for source code - ultimate solution for digital marketing and affiliate marketing research.Search Engine for Source Code - PublicWWW.com

    点击进入 - 2024-05-15 - 收藏
  • CDNCloud网站


    CDNCloud是领先的IDC云计算综合服务提供商,专业提供互联网云安全、云计算、云存储等增值服务,公司与中国电信、中国联通、中国移动等运营商合作,在香港、新加坡、日本、台湾、美国、欧洲等多个地区和城市,运营多个数据中心,同时拥有BGP、CN2、多线接入等精品网络,让您的网络能轻松连接,快速访问! 公司通过提供云主机、云存储、CDN、边缘计算、DDOS安全防护、SD-WAN、云计算产品及解决方案,帮助客户业务创新,是客户数字化升级值得信赖的合作伙伴, 立志成为让客户放心服务商和先进的优质云安全云数据服务商!

    点击进入 - 2024-05-12 - 收藏
  • Ningbo Happiness Stationery Co.,Ltd

    Ningbo Happiness Stationery Co.,Ltd

    Founded in 2005, Ningbo Happiness Stationery Co.,Ltd is a richly experienced and professional manufacturer of Stationery Products and Bags. In 2013 we expanded our operation to a much higher capacity scale and premises and HSI Ningbo Happiness Stationery Industrial & Trading co., Ltd. (HSI) was established. We are a fully audited and compliant factory which has been examined by the likes of Target, BSCI, Sedex, Walmart, Office Depot, Staples, Tesco, Dollar General, Starbucks, Disney, CVS, Kroger, NBC Universal and Walgreens to name but a few. We take pride in our transparency and ability to manufacture in a safe, efficient and professional manner.

    点击进入 - 2024-05-09 - 收藏
  • Guangdong Costar Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd

    Guangdong Costar Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd

    Guangdong Costar Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd is a comprehensive enterprise which specializes in film blowing machine development, design and manufacture.Our company use the computer design and many sets of advanced CNC machining centers and digital controlled lathes. We insisted on constant technology innovation concept, absorbing the international advanced technology, combined with rich experience in plastic machinery. And now we have many types national invention patent and new patent technology. We have developed 5-layers co-extrusion, 3-layers co-extrusion, 2-layers co-extrusion and single layer film blowing machine. Including loss in weight gravimetric dosing unit, horizontal rotary take up tower, IBC inner cooling die head system, automatic thickness control system, computer concentrate control system, conical tension control and new surface center winding system. The machine is suitable for manufacturing the high-precision food packing, medical packing, industry packing and chemical industry packing, building material packing etc.

    点击进入 - 2024-05-09 - 收藏
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