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    点击进入 - 2024-02-23 - 收藏
  • Magnum Photos | Iconic images, authentic visual storytelling

    Magnum Photos | Iconic images, authentic visual storytelling

    Magnum Photos has visually documented most of the world’s major events and personalities since the 1930s covering society, politics, events and conflict

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  • 广东建设职业技术学院教务管理系统


    广东建设职业技术学院教务管理系统https://jw.gdcvi.edu.cn/广东建设职业技术学院是省内唯一一所公办建筑类高职院,是建筑业高素质技术技能人才培养的主要基地和 “现代鲁班”摇篮。学校扎根南粤大地,服务“一带一路”,培养培训了20多万名高素质技术技能型人才,为广东省建设行业与经济社会发展做出了积极贡献。学校前身是1979年成立的广东省建筑工程技工学校;1986年成立的广东省建筑工程学校;2001年5月经广东省人民政府批准、教育部备案,升格为高职学校。2006年4月,学校由广东省建筑工程集团有限公司主管正式划转广东省教育厅管理。

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  • Foodservice Equipment & Supplies

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    Foodservice Equipment and Supplies (FE&S) is the one media source that connects equipment and supplies manufacturers and service providers with the full distribution channel including foodservice operators, E&S dealers, and facility design consultants.

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  • Harvard Business Review

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    Find new ideas and classic advice on strategy, innovation and leadership, for global leaders from the world's best business and management experts.

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  • Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary

    Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary

    Acronym Finder is the largest and most trusted database of over 4 million acronyms and abbreviations. What does an abbreviation stands for? The answer is here

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  • Accueil - Dictionnaire Visuel

    Accueil - Dictionnaire Visuel

    Visual Dictionary, to learn by way of image with thematic, clear and precise pages, with concise and rigorous texts, multilingual, the InfoVisual will become an academic resource. Different from an encyclopedia or from a traditional online dictionaries, thesauri and glossaries because the images replace the words.A teaching website of reference which will be able to find an essential place as a good link on your site.For general questions or if this is your first visit, consult the help section.

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  • Visual Dictionary Online

    Visual Dictionary Online

    QA INTERNATIONAL is a leading publisher and creator of visually innovative reference works. Recognized as a pioneer in the design and publication of outstanding products for the international market, QA INTERNATIONAL has earned a solid reputation among partners around the world. Renowned for its remarkable design, eye-catching illustrations and solid content, QA INTERNATIONAL is the leader when it comes to visually innovative reference content. The Visual Dictionary, which has become a global success with more than 8 million copies sold worldwide, is the premier achievement of QA INTERNATIONAL. Created 20 years ago, The Visual Dictionary has traveled from the illustrator’s drawing table to the computer screen and now onto the Internet.

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  • Engoo | 1-on-1 Private Online English Lessons

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    Engoo is a private online English tutoring platform with 100,000+ learners. Learn or practice English every day, at your own pace. Japanese, Korean & Mandarin are also available.

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  • Base FX官网

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    Base FX是一家获得艾美奖的视觉特效和动画公司,制作基地位于中国北京、中国无锡和中国厦门。2010年,凭借团队在HBO战争史诗剧集《血战太平洋》(又译《太平洋战争》)中的精彩表现,公司创始人兼视效总监Chris Bremble在当年的艾美奖评选中荣获电影电视系列剧最佳特效奖。2011年,公司凭借HBO著名剧集《海滨帝国》再次赢得艾美奖最佳特效奖。2014年,公司凭借HBO著名剧集《黑帆》赢得艾美奖最佳特技与视觉特效奖。

    点击进入 - 2024-02-07 - 收藏