CC Search Portal
这是一个搜无版权图片视频的一个搜索引擎, 我们经常看到有人推荐各种无版权的图片,那么有没有人把这些无版权的网站结合起来呢,这个就算一个了。主要是从Soundcloud,Wikimedia和Flickr等平台中获取结果。
点击进入 - 2023-03-20 - 收藏中国教师资格证书查询入口
中国教师资格证书查询入口注意: 1. 本网站目前仅提供2008年起(广西壮族自治区从2012年起)使用教师资格管理信息系统认定的教师资格证书查询。2008年以前的教师资格证书的查询请与颁发教师资格证书的认定机构联系。 2. 请输入姓名、身份证件号码、教师资格证书号码和申请证书查询人的手机号,并拖动图片下方滑块完成图形验证,点击发送短信验证码,填写正确的短信验证码后,点击“查询”按钮进行证书查询。
点击进入 - 2023-03-16 - 收藏Everyone Piano官网
Everyone Piano is the best free computer keyboard piano software, which supports downloading 3 types of music score formats like stave, right and left hand numbered musical notation and EOP file. Furthermore, it also supports playing music scores continuous.
点击进入 - 2023-03-15 - 收藏CoreDNS官网
CoreDNS: DNS and Service Discovery 。CoreDNS is a DNS server. It is written in Go. It can be used in a multitude of environments because of its flexibility. CoreDNS is licensed under the Apache License Version 2, and completely open source. Development takes place on Github. Some devs hang out on Slack on the #coredns channel.
点击进入 - 2023-02-08 - 收藏Chiphell社区
Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验Chiphell,CHH,硬件,AMD,ATI,Nvidia,ASUS,SilverStone,LIAN LI,Antec,Thermalright,Abee,银欣,软件,硬件,安钛克,华硕,技嘉,罗技,Intel,高端,玩硬件,猫头鹰,联力,交易,二手,乌鸦,RV03,FT03,TJ11,X2000,X900,U2311H,P183,HR-02,GTX 480,HD5870,ROG,Ares
点击进入 - 2022-12-13 - 收藏EverEdit编辑器官网
点击进入 - 2022-11-13 - 收藏GeeksforGeeks官网
A Computer Science portal for geeks. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions.
点击进入 - 2022-11-10 - 收藏Topcoder官网
WHY HAVE JUST ONE GREAT DEVELOPER WHEN YOU CAN HAVE A COMMUNITY OF THEM?Increases Execution Velocity 3x Over Traditional Means.Get The Best Talent on Your Work. Start Work Immediately.
点击进入 - 2022-11-10 - 收藏