Engoo | 1-on-1 Private Online English Lessons
Engoo is a private online English tutoring platform with 100,000+ learners. Learn or practice English every day, at your own pace. Japanese, Korean & Mandarin are also available.
点击进入 - 2024-02-14 - 收藏延边广播电视网 연변라지오TV넷
중국조선족의 중심채널,연변라지오TV넷,연변라지오TV방송국,연변텔레비죤방송국,연변TV방송국,연변인터넷TV,www.iybtv.com,연변뉴스,연변위성,연변축구,연변노래,연길뉴스,연변정보,연변조선족,중국조선족,延边广播电视台,延边新闻,延边卫视
点击进入 - 2024-02-13 - 收藏MOREVFX墨境天合官网
墨境天合(MOREVFX)成立于 2007 年,目前主营业务为电影视觉特效创作、管理、制作。MORE VFX 成立于 2007 年,是目前中国人自己的体量最大的视觉特效公司。公司以制作世界级的视觉特效为使命,一直以来,无论是在技术开发、视觉创作、制片流程,还是在视觉特效公司管理流程等方面,均引领着中国视觉特效的发展方向,公司现有北京、成都两个制作基地,聚集了大量国际级的视效总监、技术专家和艺术家,为制作高质量的视觉特效作品提供了最坚实的基础, MORE VFX 成都公司以电影数字特效和三维动画制作为主营业务,专注于国内顶级视觉特效与动画制作。秉承 MORE VFX 在概念设计、动态预演、生物角色动画、流体及动力学特效领域的强大实力,为客户提供高效优质的创意设计、制作服务。由公司主导或参与制作的影片曾多次获得香港金像奖、台湾金马奖最佳视觉效果提名及获奖。
点击进入 - 2024-02-07 - 收藏Globaltradeweek - Virtual Exhibition - GTW VE
Global Trade Week The global pandemic of the COVID-19 has been impacting the live events industry. Hold on if you are thinking this is going to end your upcoming events. Don\'t panic; we are still affiliating you with a tech-savvy look. MIE has created a full suite of tools, tips and resources to help you gather your participants despite of the geographical distances. Through holding virtual events with us, distance is no longer a barrier for connecting people! Hereby, we\'ll introduce a full set of virtual event solutions for you.
点击进入 - 2024-02-04 - 收藏