The chinamachinenet site
The chinamachinenet site is the largest machinery site of china,Business to business marketplace, trading board, and directory for Chinese Machine and Machine manufacturers/sellers and worldwide
点击进入 - 2017-09-11 - 收藏Shanghai Metals Market
Metal Prices,China Copper,aluminum,lead,zinc,nickel,tin historical prices and chart,Steel PMI and Iron ore Export and Import prices all in Shanghai Metals Market(SMM).Metal Prices,Current Copper,Aluminum,Lead,Zinc,Nickel,Tin Prices and Report,Steel PMI and Iron ore historical prices charts - Shanghai Metals Market
点击进入 - 2017-09-11 - 收藏Al Jazeera
News, analysis from the Middle East & worldwide, multimedia & interactives, opinions, documentaries, podcasts, long reads and broadcast
点击进入 - 2017-09-11 - 收藏The World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is tied to no political, partisan or national
点击进入 - 2017-09-11 - 收藏