Stardust TV 官网
HONGXING MEDIA CO.,LIMITED,main business of the company is network novels, micro short drama,film and television shooting, artit agent, advertising,operation and promotion, technology research and development, agent distribution, private domain operation, etc. The mainproducts are Shanhai short drama platform, Flower Cat Chinese network, enterprise WeChat, WeChat small program, jitterbug smallprogram, StarTuDaoren operation and other products, covering script writing, actor signing and casting, filming and production,post-production, editing, and infomercial streaming placement, operation and promotion, technology research and developmentMCN Darren operation and other aspects, own copyright more than a hundred, script reserve dozens of, to copyrght adaptationagent distribution, self-invested operation, private domain operation, diversified operation, multi-channel propaganda anddissemination, in-depth cultivation of the cultural feld, and jointly committed to bring the audience a wonderful work of culture andentertainment.
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聚水潭erp登录入口聚水潭以电商SaaS ERP切入市场,凭借出色的产品和服务,快速获得市场的肯定。如今已经发展成为以SaaS ERP为核心,集多种商家服务为一体的SaaS协同平台,为电商企业提供综合的信息化解决方案。聚水潭成立于2014年,创始人兼CEO骆海东拥有近三十年传统及电商ERP的研发和实施部署经验。聚水潭创建之初,以电商SaaS ERP切入市场,凭借出色的产品和服务,快速获得市场的肯定。随着客户需求的不断变化,如今聚水潭已发展成为以SaaS ERP为核心,集多种商家服务为一体的SaaS协同平台。
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