点击进入 - 2018-09-09 - 收藏泰泰尚品_泰国第一大中文代购平台
点击进入 - 2018-08-02 - 收藏厦工供应商关系管理系统
厦工供应商关系管理系统厦门厦工机械股份有限公司(以下简称“厦工”),创建于1951年,1993年12月由厦门工程机械厂改制为上市公司(股票代码600815),注册资本95896.9989万元,总资产约117亿元。 厦工拥有厦门、三明、焦作、泰安等研发生产基地,具备年产40000台装载机、15000台挖掘机、10000台叉车、5000台道路机械的生产能力,是国家重点生产装载机、挖掘机、叉车、道路机械、小型机械、环保机械、混凝土机械、桩工机械、起重机械、隧道掘进机械等产品的骨干大型一类企业,是当今中国最大的工程机械制造基地之一。
点击进入 - 2018-08-01 - 收藏徐工集团供应商关系管理系统
点击进入 - 2018-08-01 - 收藏德国国家旅游局官方网站
德国国家旅游局官方网站www.germany.travelOn behalf of the German federal government, the GNTB (德国国家旅游局北京办事处) has been working internationally to promote Germany as a travel destination for more than 60 years. It communicates the diverse appeal of the country to a worldwide market, thereby promoting a strong and attractive brand – \'Destination Germany\'. The GNTB plays an important role in the promotion of Germany as a travel destination on the international market. Its activities include the development of new marketing strategies and concepts based on specific themes, events and attractions and also bringing together and optimising the diverse marketing activities of partners in the German travel industry. It also takes an active role in the form of far-ranging sales activities in new growth markets. In this respect, the GNTB relies on its close collaboration with the German travel industry, partners from commerce and trade associations.
点击进入 - 2017-11-18 - 收藏