• Variety官网


    Variety is the most authoritative and trusted source of entertainment business news, recognized and respected throughout the world. Since 1905, influential producers, executives and talent in entertainment and beyond have turned to Variety for award-winning daily breaking news reports, insightful award-season coverage, must-read feature spotlights and intelligent analysis of the industry’s most prominent players. As the leading publication covering film, television, theater and tech with a global perspective, Variety is the vital read in every entertainment capital in over 84 countries.

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  • 候鳥旅遊網


    「四處奔波的旅遊團體再也無法滿足旅人的需求;便捷的兩岸直航讓我們可以像候鳥群一樣萬里遷徙,並在目的地體驗當地風土民情,實現深度旅遊的真諦。」深耕大陸旅遊20年,候鳥旅遊網創辦人─侯振益、侯懿庭兄弟如是說。 2012年春天,是候鳥旅遊網的全新開始。由旅遊業界聞人陳清鎮董事長與陳秀美總經理領軍,在團體票務領域經營長達40年的台灣運達旅行社,近年看好兩岸旅遊市場,原本頃全力要打造自己的旅遊網站,卻與侯氏兄弟一拍即合,隨即成立候鳥旅遊網。由於雙方原先就是長年的合作夥伴,藉由這次的整合將讓候鳥更加茁壯,不論是從機位取得、大陸各地的飯店、接待社,以及各省市的旅遊資源等方面,都將開創出嶄新的局面,帶給喜愛大陸深度旅行的遊客更多的選擇,以及更物超所值的優質行程。 「參加旅遊的人心裡都有一個夢,我們的目標就是幫人圓夢。」侯氏兄弟表示,候鳥的夥伴們都有著這樣的共同信念─從行程企劃、路線實勘、沙盤推演,到行程景點、餐食、飯店的精挑細選,甚至行程中每天從早到晚的時段安排,一直到擔任領隊帶團出國,「我們就像候鳥群那樣,分工合作,井井有條。沒有百分之百的專業與熱誠,沒有狂風暴雨中還能保持隊形的氣魄,如何幫人圓夢?」比起歐美先進國家,台灣的深度旅遊才剛剛萌芽。候鳥旅遊網的成立,就是期許能在國人赴大陸旅遊市場創下里程碑,帶領更多旅人遨遊中國,體驗人生。

    点击进入 - 2024-08-25 - 收藏
  • Gaimin游戏社区


    Gaimin.gg Platform. Play games, earn rewards and purchase in-game assets. Get early access and become a Gaimin tester today!Gaimin.gg | Play games. Earn Rewards.

    点击进入 - 2024-08-13 - 收藏
  • WordStream | Online Advertising Made Easy

    WordStream | Online Advertising Made Easy

    WordStream makes online advertising easy! Our blog, free tools and learning resources can help you master digital advertising and grow your business.WordStream | Online Advertising Made Easy

    点击进入 - 2024-05-16 - 收藏
  • AdvertCN - 广告中国

    AdvertCN - 广告中国

    广告中国是中国知名度最高,最专业的联属网络营销论坛(Affiliate Marketing) , 网络广告论坛 , 黑五论坛,电商出海论坛 , 是中国英文站站长最集中的社区。AdvertCN - 广告中国 - 中国顶尖的联属网络营销论坛 , 网络广告论坛 , 网络推广论坛 , 英文站长论坛 , Affiliate论坛

    点击进入 - 2024-05-12 - 收藏
  • 天津旭日东升精密机械有限公司


    天津旭日东升精密机械有限公司于2017年成立于美丽的天津市津南区双桥河工业园欣欣中路6号。 是从事汽车自动生产线及汽车组装非标设备;新能源汽车架构和新能源电池以及太阳能多晶硅生产设备;高铁相关辅助设备;石油钻井平台设备等行业有关设备的设计与制造性企业;而且从事与军事单位配套零部件的生产;涉猎行业广泛,对各类相关行业设备的加工制作,非标设备定制,自动化生产线制造有相当的经验。

    点击进入 - 2024-04-23 - 收藏
  • CSS Winner - Web Design Awards

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    CSS Winner is a website design award gallery for web designers and developers to showcase their best web design works and win css winner website design awards.

    点击进入 - 2024-03-08 - 收藏
  • RhymeZone rhyming dictionary and thesaurus

    RhymeZone rhyming dictionary and thesaurus

    A comprehensive rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, and brainstorming tool for the English language. Includes dozens of functions to help songwriters, poets, and anyone else in need of a word.

    点击进入 - 2024-02-14 - 收藏
  • Thesaurus - Synonyms, Antonyms, and Related Words

    Thesaurus - Synonyms, Antonyms, and Related Words

    Free Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and related words. The thesaurus contains more than 145,800 unique entries from three top sources: Collins Thesaurus of the English Language - Complete and Unabridged, The American Heritage Roget\'s Thesaurus, and WordNet. Search words or phrases to find synonyms, antonyms, and related words, all distinguished by color and grouped by meaning. Filter by part of speech to show only the results you want to see. Quickly find the synonyms for hundreds of thousands of words with Free Thesaurus.

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  • Forvo: the pronunciation dictionary

    Forvo: the pronunciation dictionary

    Forvo: the pronunciation dictionary. All the words in the world pronounced by native speakers.The largest pronunciation dictionary in the world. All the words in all the languages pronounced by native speakers

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