• 中华全国工商业联合会



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  • 中国商业联合会官方网站


     中国商业联合会成立于1994年,是由从事商品生产、商品流通业、生活服务业的企业事业单位,社会组织及个人自愿结成的全国性、行业性社会团体,是非营利性社会组织。 本会现设有工作机构13个,分支机构33个;直接会员4500多家,间接会员8万多家;接受政府委托,管理14个企事业单位,代管40个全国性专业协会、学会和研究会,主管33家国内外公开发行的报刊、出版社。本会分别是亚太零售商协会联盟、国际零售论坛的成员。

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  • 江苏省工商业联合会-江苏省总商会


     江苏省工商业联合会是中国共产党领导的全省工商界组成的人民团体和民间商会,是党和政府联系非公有制经济人士的桥梁和纽带,是政府管理非公有制经济的助手。本会成立于1954年,1993年经江苏省人民政府批准,同时称江苏省商会。 2014年3月经江苏省人民政府批准,江苏省商会更名为江苏省总商会。 目前我省有13个设区市、95个县(市、区)、1237个乡镇(街道)设有工商业联合会(商会)组织,建有各类商会组织3964个,会员总数达40.5万个,其中企业会员35.4万个。

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    Yellow - Web 3 Clearing Network

    Yellow Network: A groundbreaking decentralized protocol that brings the best of traditional finance into Web3 by facilitating trading and settlement through smart clearing. Powered by state channels technology, Yellow Clearing Network ensures efficient liquidity aggregation, enhanced counterparty risk management, and robust security, marking a new era in digital asset trading.

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    Harvard Business Review

    Find new ideas and classic advice on strategy, innovation and leadership, for global leaders from the world's best business and management experts.

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    FOLDOC - Computing Dictionary

    The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing contains terms from computing such as acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, conventions, standards, mathematics, telecoms, electronics, institutions, companies, projects, products and history of computing.

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    Sosadfun废文网https://xn--pxtr7m.link/废文网 - 有趣有品有点丧。

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    Ccpitcoatings is an international chemical B2B platform for suppliers and buyers to market, sell and operate efficiently. It provides the technology infrastructure and marketing reach to help chemical suppliers to leverage the power of new technology to engage with their users and customers and operate in a more efficient way.

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    Company List - Business Directory

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  • 中国公众健康网



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