• HomeDSGN - Interior Design and Contemporary Homes

    HomeDSGN - Interior Design and Contemporary Homes

    Founded on January first, 2011, HomeDSGN.com is an online publication focused on Interior Design and Inspirational Homes.HomeDSGN - Interior Design and Contemporary Homes

    点击进入 - 2024-03-08 - 收藏
  • Competitions


    The new Competitions-Archive LLC is a successor entity to the non-profit The Competition Project, Inc., which was founded in 1986, and was a pioneering, non-profit corporation serving as a clearinghouse for information and ideas on design competitions, in the United States as well as abroad. From 1991 to 2010, it was the publisher of COMPETITIONS, a quarterly magazine dealing exclusively with design competitions on an international scale and having a world-wide circulation. Since 2010, the Competition Project published a monthly COMPETITIONS E-zine, reviewing past competitions and announcing upcoming design competitions in architecture, landscape architecture and planning. It was supplemented by instant email notices about results and new competitions as we heard about them. Subscribers also received a comprehensive yearly publication, COMPETITIONS Annual, which reverted from a print format to digital format in 2016. All this provided our subscribers with a handy reference source on past competitions, which were covered by the E-zine over the course of the year.

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  • Logopond - Logo, Brand & Identity Inspiration

    Logopond - Logo, Brand & Identity Inspiration

    Logopond is an inspirational site & showcase of identity work from designers of varying abilities all across the world. We seek to inspire and improve the talents of our design family through shared knowledge and helpful experiences.

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  • 新片场素材 - 海量正版视频素材、正版音乐素材、图片素材、AE模板等交易平台

    新片场素材 - 海量正版视频素材、正版音乐素材、图片素材、AE模板等交易平台


    点击进入 - 2024-03-08 - 收藏
  • 东莞市智川精密科技有限公司


    东莞市智川精密科技有限公司是专业非标自动化电子设备,精密治具及精密零件加工的公司。 公司从2002年成立至今,内部拥有一批有多年技术经验的专才和各种精密的加工设备及日本三丰的检测设备(见附表)多年完善成熟的加工工艺及严格的品质管控制程,针对精密加工部件尺寸公差可控制在0.002mm之内,平面度可控制在0.002mm之内,表面粗糙度可控制在之内达到镜面效果,尤其对各种特殊材质部件的精密加工具有丰富经验,并且针对不同材质部件可以做到不同要求的表面处理(见附件)。 在技术开发上,我司可以根据不同的要求设计出合理的机构方案→加工检测→组立电控→编程调试等环节的技术配合,针对手机、电子通讯、半导体、光学、LCD、LED等领域的产线自动化解决方案及技术革新具有丰富经验。

    点击进入 - 2024-03-03 - 收藏
  • 苏州瑞玛精密工业股份有限公司


    苏州瑞玛精密工业股份有限公司,2012年3月在苏州高新区浒关工业园成立;2020年3月,公司在深圳证券交易所正式挂牌上市,股票简称:瑞玛精密,股票代码:002976。 公司定位于精密智能制造,是汽车、移动通讯、新能源等领域的专精特新企业,主营业务为前述领域产品的精密模具、精密结构件及汽车空气悬挂系统、移动通讯设备的研发、制造及销售。公司现拥有控股公司10余家,在苏州高新区、苏州工业园区、广州市黄埔区、湖南省永州市、墨西哥克雷塔罗市、英国考文垂市等拥有生产基地,业务覆盖亚洲、欧洲和美洲等国家及地区。公司通过聚焦数字化转型、“5G+工业互联网”助力产业升级,打造先进智能制造模式,实现管理精益化、制造智能化的目标,致力于成为全球工业领域优秀的零部件及系统产品制造商,铸就以“CHEERSSON®”为代表的全球工业领域专业性品牌。

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  • 大成精密-深圳市大成精密设备股份有限公司



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  • 温州荣和五金有限公司


    温州荣和五金有限公司,是一家生产PCB电路板测试点/测试环,精密电子五金零部件的厂商,为客户提供从产品开发,设计制造,塑胶制品组装一站式服务。公司坚持以市场需求为导向,品质精良为主旨,服务至上为中心。 我们一贯重视客户的实际要求,引进各专业人才,组建一支有创新活力的专业销售团队。探索最新的科研成果,开拓进取,坚持,最好的品质,最好的服务承诺,发扬以人为本,创新求精的精神,生产出更多,更好的产品服务于大家。

    点击进入 - 2024-03-02 - 收藏
  • 重庆尚诚服饰集团有限公司



    点击进入 - 2024-02-27 - 收藏
  • European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Home

    European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Home

    The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China was founded in 2000 by 51 member companies that shared a goal of establishing a common voice for the various business sectors of the European Union and European businesses operating in China. It is a members-driven, non-profit, fee-based organisation with a core structure of 26 Working Groups and 9 Fora representing European business in China.

    点击进入 - 2024-02-26 - 收藏