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点击进入 - 2017-02-25 - 收藏大学生软件设计大赛官方网站
大学生软件设计大赛官方网站—中国软件杯全国大学生软件设计大赛组委会主办 大赛是一项面向全国高校、高职在校生的公益性赛事,通过富有自由、开放、创新精神的软件类别设计大赛,为广大青年才俊提供一个脱颖而出的平台。目前,大赛已连续举办五届,赛题原型全部来自全国软件骨干企业的实际技术需求,逐步走出了一条产教互动、合作共赢的人才培养路子,为我国软件和信息技术服务业源源不断输送高端、优秀人才。
点击进入 - 2016-12-28 - 收藏北京燕山汽车驾驶学校
北京燕山汽车驾驶学校www.yanshanjiaxiao.com燕山驾校始建于1984年,主管单位是北京市交管局京南车管所和房山区燕山教委。 本地区只有我校一家以燕山驾校为校名,并且具有法人资质的驾校。
点击进入 - 2016-10-01 - 收藏昆山加拿大国际学校官网
Canadian International School Kunshan (CISK) 昆山加拿大国际学校 Founded in 2012, Canadian International School Kunshan (CISK) is affiliated with St. John’s Kilmarnock School (SJK), a prestigious IB World school in Ontario, Canada. Located in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, CISK is the first licensed international school by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, and is the only international school in Kunshan city.
点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏深圳南山国际学校官网
Welcome to the International School of Nanshan Shenzhen (ISNS). ISNS was founded in 2002 through the foresight and partnership among the Government of Canada, the Province of New Brunswick (, and Dr. Francis Pang, with the vision to educate and embrace the whole child. The goal is to foster a diverse student body through an exceptional education, instilling in young people a love and joy of learning, an ability to think independently, and the confidence to take risks in pursuing their dreams and goals.
点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏