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点击进入 - 2024-04-28 - 收藏35PHOTO - social network for professional photographers
Catalogs of professional author\'s photographs. Sorting photos by genre, popularity, novelty and so forth. The authors rating. Photos of applicants for participation in the portal. Photographic equipment reviews.
点击进入 - 2024-02-17 - 收藏ChatGPT官网
ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue openai.com/blog/chatgpt。We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.
点击进入 - 2023-02-02 - 收藏
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