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  • 美考网


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  • 游戏狗手游网



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  • Changchun American International School

    Changchun American International School

    长春美国国际学校首页 Changchun American International School www.caischina.org

    点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏
  • 广州美国人国际学校官网


    广州美国人国际学校官网American International School of Guangzhou, AISG Thank you for your interest in the American International School of Guangzhou. As you navigate this website, I am confident that you will see that each division within the school provides students with numerous opportunities, inside and outside of the classroom, to meet their developmental needs. More importantly, I hope you get the sense of the heart of AISG, for we believe it is what sets it apart from other schools and makes it such a fabulous environment for learning.

    点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏
  • 北京世青国际学校官网


    Beijing World Youth Academy is an international school with a reputation for results. Locally grounded, globally aware. IB World School. Established 2001.www.ibwya.net

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  • The International School of Macao: 澳門國際學校

    The International School of Macao: 澳門國際學校

    TIS is a vibrant and rapidly growing school with over 1000 students from 44 different countries. Fully accredited with the Ministry of Education in Alberta, Canada, TIS offers a well-rounded curriculum for students in PreK to Grade 12.The International School of Macao: 澳門國際學校www.tis.edu.mo

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  • 厦门国际学校官网


    Xiamen International School (XIS) was established in August 1997 and is located on the southern coast of China in Fujian Province. XIS was the first international school in Fujian Province to be authorized by the Ministry of Education to accept expatriate students. It is rapidly joining the ranks of the world’s finest schools according to international school standards. We employ credentialed teachers and administrators from around the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, and China. XIS also employs local assistant teachers for each of the elementary homerooms. Our program supports students from twenty-nine different countries and regions including the United States, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Germany, Ethiopia, Angola, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Japan and Latin America.

    点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏
  • 深圳深美国际学校官网


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    点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏
  • Chinese International School汉基国际学校

    Chinese International School汉基国际学校

    Home - Chinese International School www.cis.edu.hk 漢基國際學校 中國香港北角寶馬山校園徑一號 (852) 2510 7288

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