• Talkmate|全球说官网


    Talkmate|全球说_学习新语言,沟通新世界,涵盖近百种种语言,英语,韩语,日语,俄语,法语,德语,西班牙语,阿拉伯语等。2016年7月,全球说(talkmate)被遴选成为联合国教科文组织语言类基石伙伴企业(Joint Partnership),并正式签订战略合作协议,展开为期10年的工作计划,共同建设《世界语言地图》。由联合国教科文组织与全球说建立联合工作组(UNESCO-TALKMATE NEXUS),升级其现有的《世界语言地图》平台,使这一项目具备交互性、可协作性与开放性,提升国家和地区组织之间分享语言知识的能力,并推动保护语言多样性、促进以母语教育为基础的多语言教育,从根本上实现联合国《2030年可持续发展目标》议程。

    点击进入 - 2024-07-11 - 收藏
  • Hebei Hongyang Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

    Hebei Hongyang Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

    Hebei Hongyang Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd.-Hebei Hongyang Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a fastener manufacturer integrating fastener R&D, manufacture and sale.

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  • TradeChina.com - Source from Verified Suppliers

    TradeChina.com - Source from Verified Suppliers

    Find verified manufacturers and suppliers with our trade consulting services on tradechina.com - Source from Verified Suppliers

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  • Dalian Hoyo Decorative Materials Co.,Ltd.

    Dalian Hoyo Decorative Materials Co.,Ltd.

    Dalian HOYO is a high-tech enterprise which specializes in the research, development and production of Finish Foil Decor papers. It was founded in year 2002 but has quickly grown into a leading Finish Foil Decor paper manufacturer in the industry, and has now exported its products to all over the world and well commended by overseas markets!

    点击进入 - 2024-04-26 - 收藏
  • Puning Xinhongjie Plastic Co., Ltd-Garden Hose,PVC Materals

    Puning Xinhongjie Plastic Co., Ltd-Garden Hose,PVC Materals

    Puning Xinhongjie Plastic Co., Ltd-Garden Hose,PVC Materals More than 20 years focus on PVC soft material granules and PVC garden hose series. Puning Xinhongjie Plastic Co., Ltd. was established in 1995. The plant covers an area of 130,000 (SQ FT), integrating raw material production and product development, the company has strong technical force and rich production experience.

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  • Baidu Comate百度智能编码助手

    Baidu Comate百度智能编码助手

    Baidu Comate 是由百度研发的智能编码助手。基于文心大模型,结合百度积累多年的编程现场大数据和外部优秀开源数据,为你生成更符合实际研发场景的优质代码。提升你的编码效率,释放“十倍”软件生产力。

    点击进入 - 2023-12-26 - 收藏
  • 日本免费照片素材-Photock公式网页



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  • Gfycat


    Gfycat is the top destination for GIFs and videos. Create your own GIF or browse the best gaming GIFs, reactions GIFs, funny GIFs and more.GFYcat:在线动态图片托管平台是一个GIF动态图片托管服务网站,所不同的是GFY优于GIF格式,比gif图片格式在清晰度和流畅性能上更加优秀,完美支持支持HTML 5技术,该平台汇集了大量的GFY动态图片资源。

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  • 气象人才招聘


    气象人才招聘,zp.cmatec.cn 主办 : 中国气象局人才交流中心 地址 : 北京市中关村南大街46号 邮编 : 100081 邮箱: rencai@cma.gov.cn 联系电话:010-68408422

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  • 华为消费者业务官网


    华为消费者业务官网包含HUAWEI P30 系列、折叠屏5G手机HUAWEI Mate X、HUAWEI Mate 20 、HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro、 HUAWEI Mate 20 X 、HUAWEI Mate 20 RS华为保时捷、HUAWEI P20系列、HUAWEI nova4等移动版电信版联通版4G手机,以及华为平板电脑、移动宽带、家庭终端、家庭媒体终端产品和模块产品、智慧企业等解决方案服务等产品配件配置参数详细介绍。consumer.huawei.com

    点击进入 - 2019-08-09 - 收藏
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