Rigging hardware - Wudi Founder Stainless Co., Ltd
Wudi Founder Stainless Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in the designing, developing,manufacturing and marketing of stainless steel rigging hardware, marine hardware, pipe fittings, car accessories, etc.
点击进入 - 2024-04-20 - 收藏Wenzhou Houhe Hardware Product Co.,Ltd
Established in 1997,Homesun is one of the most professional manufacturer which is specialized in developping and producing soft closing system for sliding doors,shower-room doors,hanging doors,etc. With the headquarter located in Yueqing City,we also setted up our branch factories both in Shanghai in 2005 and Shenzhen in 2007. By now,Homesun covers an area of 100,000m²。
点击进入 - 2024-04-20 - 收藏Vascoda - Wissenschaftliche Information in Deutschland
Vascoda ist ein interdisziplinäres Internetportal für wissenschaftliche Fachinformationen und Publikationen in Deutschland.Vascoda - Wissenschaftliche Information in Deutschland
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爱点击集团iClick (NASDAQ:ICLK) 成立于2009年,是领先的企业数字化运营和营销云平台,于2017年在美国纳斯达克上市。爱点击致力于运用大数据和人工智能技术帮助各行业客户获得商业成功。发展至今,公司现已稳定服务全球超过3000家大中型企业客户。
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PHILIPS(飞利浦),OSRAM(欧司朗),美国GE通用电气,日本东芝TOSHIBA,优秀USHIO,岩崎EYE,富士FUJI LAMP等品牌产品大中华区代理供应商,订购热线:0752-2227602.同为电子是国内最具规模进口特种光源供应商之一,特殊光源中国南方物流中心.产品有卤钨灯,氙灯氘灯、钠灯、氪灯、白炽灯泡、彩色印刷用的曝光灯、晒版灯、红外线灯、超高压水银灯、短弧汞氙灯、UV光固灯、防紫外线灯、D65标准光源、点光源、消毒杀菌灯、除粘灯、灭蚊灯、适用范围:医疗仪器用光源、光学仪器灯泡、剧院与舞台灯光源、演播厅用光源、摄影与视听器材、实验室用光源、工业检测用光源PCB、印刷、SMT行业光源、生产设备用灯。
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点击进入 - 2024-03-29 - 收藏