• Eastman School of Music

    Eastman School of Music

    Eastman School of Music Certificate in College and/or Community Music Teaching Certificate in World Music Diploma in Ethnomusicology Dual Degree Orchestral Studies Diploma Sacred Music... www.esm.rochester.edu

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  • 北京迷笛音乐学校


    北京迷笛音乐学校www.midischool.com.cn北京迷笛音乐学校 www.midischool.com.cn 是经北京市海淀区教委批准注册的中国第一所现代音乐学校 ( 目前已发展成为国内最大且最具权威性的现代音乐学校 ) 。早在 1993 年初学校成立之时,就确立了鲜明的办学宗旨:传播艺术的、人文的现代音乐理论,教育推广精湛的现代音乐演绎技法。 咨询信箱: midi@midischool.com.cn 办公室电话: 010-62590101 62590007 (周一至周五 8:30-12:00、13:30-17:30)

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  • 曼哈顿音乐学院


    manhattan school of music 曼哈顿音乐学院 Types of Aid Net Price Calculator Instruction & Faculty Provosts\' Welcome Programs Undergraduate Graduate Doctoral Special Programs Summer Programs Competitions ... www.msmnyc.edu

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  • New England Conservatory

    New England Conservatory

    Homepage | New England Conservatory necmusic.edu

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  • Berklee College of Music

    Berklee College of Music

    Founded on the revolutionary principle that the best way to prepare students for careers in music was through the study and practice of contemporary music. For over half a century, the college has evolved constantly to reflect the state of the art of music and the music business. With over a dozen performance and nonperformance majors, a diverse and talented student body representing over 70 countries, and a music industry 'who's who' of alumni, Berklee is the world's premier learning lab for the music of today and tomorrow.

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  • 四川音乐学院通俗音乐学院



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  • 罗兰数字音乐教育官方网站


    罗兰数字音乐教育官方网站是罗兰(Roland)中国创立的数字音乐教育平台,全部采用罗兰专业电声器材:电鼓,电钢琴,电贝司,电吉他进行教学,结合全球首创的数字音乐交互式学习系统:ISM(Intelligent System of Music),让学员喜欢上课堂,课后还可通过学习软件娱乐复习,师生、学员可通过网络平台畅快交流,更多精彩尽在罗兰数字音乐家园。

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  • 镇江市毕业生就业信息网�


    镇江市毕业生就业信息网 ·中国高校毕业生就业信息服务网 ·全国高校毕业生就业信息网 ·江苏毕业生网上就业市场 ·北京高校毕业生就业信息网 ·上海高校毕业生就业信息网 中国江苏... bys.hrol.cn

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  • 永昌中学教育网



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  • 浙江省菱湖中学教育网



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