• Hwa Chong International School

    Hwa Chong International School

    Hwa Chong International School (HCIS) is a member of the prestigious Hwa Chong family of schools, drawing its strength and mission from a century old tradition of educational excellence and philanthropy. Established in 2005 with the endorsement of the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Economic Development Board of Singapore (EDB), HCIS is part of Singapore’s endeavour to diversify the local education landscape and offer more educational pathways and connections with the region and the world. As a local international school, at least half of the student population consist of Singaporean students, and the rest from over 20 countries.

    点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏
  • Chinese International School汉基国际学校

    Chinese International School汉基国际学校

    Home - Chinese International School www.cis.edu.hk 漢基國際學校 中國香港北角寶馬山校園徑一號 (852) 2510 7288

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  • BCIS官网


    BCIS - Beijing City International School Beijing City International School - News, Events & Updates Welcome to the Beijing City International School (BCIS) website. I hope it provides you with helpful information about our vibrant school community. Our school’s mission is “to educate and empower students to be compassionate and inspired people, who act for the good of all and for the sustainable development of the world”. This has given rise to our school motto: “Empowering and inspiring through challenge and compassion.” We are a school that focuses on academic excellence and confidence building, while nurturing in our students a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility. We celebrate the fact that each student is different, as a person and as a learner, and we aim to offer a personalized education specifically designed to stimulate the intellectual curiosity of each child.

    点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏
  • 上海虹桥国际学校官网


    Rainbow Bridge International School (RBIS) in Shanghai. International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) from preschool to Grade Six students.Hong Qiao International School-上海虹桥国际学校www.rbischina.org

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  • 洛阳国际学校官网



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  • 济宁孔子国际学校


    济宁孔子国际学校Jining Confucius International School济宁孔子国际学校创办于2009年,学校座落于山东济宁国家高新技术产业开发区科技新城,是经政府批准的十五年一贯制学校。学校以“科学务实、自强不息、追求完美”为校风,以“仁、达、雅、智、信”为校训.学校本着“以人为本”的核心价值观,提倡“学习、创造、享受”的育人理念,张扬学生个性,促进学生全面发展。 Founded in 2009, Jining Confucius International School is a government-granted school of a 15-year system which is located in the Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone of Jining. With “Pragmatism, Perseverance and Excellence” being the school spirit, and “Be Benevolent, Be Philosophical, Be Elegant, Be Intelligent And Be Honest” being the school motto. Sticking to the student-oriented value and the concept of studying with creativity and enjoyment, the school encourages students to show their personalities and promotes their overall development.

    点击进入 - 2016-08-08 - 收藏
  • 广州市黄埔区义务教育及学前教育招生报名管理系统



    点击进入 - 2016-08-06 - 收藏
  • 复来作文网



    点击进入 - 2016-08-03 - 收藏
  • 好剧影视



    点击进入 - 2016-07-31 - 收藏
  • 泰安市中考录取查询


    泰安市中考录取查询http://www.taszk.com/lqcx/ 泰安市高中段学校招生普通高中录取查询http://www.taszk.com/gzlqcx/index.asp泰安市高中段学校招生职业院校 普通中专、高职类投档去向及职业中专技工院校录取查询http://www.taszk.com/zylqcx/index.asp

    点击进入 - 2016-07-29 - 收藏