
  • Cambridge Dictionary Online

    Cambridge Dictionary Online

    The most popular dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. Meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations.

    点击进入 - 2024-02-14 - 收藏
  • 电玩男网站



    点击进入 - 2024-02-11 - 收藏
  • ccpitcoatings官网


    Ccpitcoatings is an international chemical B2B platform for suppliers and buyers to market, sell and operate efficiently. It provides the technology infrastructure and marketing reach to help chemical suppliers to leverage the power of new technology to engage with their users and customers and operate in a more efficient way.

    点击进入 - 2024-02-10 - 收藏
  • Flitto翻易通 - 全球互助翻译平台

    Flitto翻易通 - 全球互助翻译平台


    点击进入 - 2024-02-05 - 收藏
  • Globaltradeweek - Virtual Exhibition - GTW VE

    Globaltradeweek - Virtual Exhibition - GTW VE

    Global Trade Week The global pandemic of the COVID-19 has been impacting the live events industry. Hold on if you are thinking this is going to end your upcoming events. Don\'t panic; we are still affiliating you with a tech-savvy look. MIE has created a full suite of tools, tips and resources to help you gather your participants despite of the geographical distances. Through holding virtual events with us, distance is no longer a barrier for connecting people! Hereby, we\'ll introduce a full set of virtual event solutions for you.

    点击进入 - 2024-02-04 - 收藏
  • ECHEMI官网


    ECHEMI is a global chemical industry B2B website. You can find leading manufacturing companies, top suppliers & quality chemical products here. We help you complete chemical business in the world.

    点击进入 - 2024-02-03 - 收藏
  • ImportInfo官网


    ImportInfo.com strives to provide a comprehensive and simplified database of United States Customs' import manifests. ImportInfo enables users to easily monitor shippers, consignees, vessels, and much more.

    点击进入 - 2024-02-02 - 收藏
  • 赞图网



    点击进入 - 2024-01-14 - 收藏
  • 媒体易发布平台


    媒体易发布平台是国内专业的一站式媒体广告投放平台,独创新型智能的广告投放系统,功能强大,操作简易。资源覆盖网络媒体、自媒体、软文代写等。同时与国内多家大型广告传媒公司达成长期战略合作, 有着丰富的实战经验。因企业的网络营销推广需求巨大,而业内广告市场混乱,广告资源参层不齐,为广大服务于企业用户的B端公司解决业务拓展难题!从2017年 至今,媒体管家的新闻稿投放量日 均达20000篇以上。通过系统投放稿件的广告主5000余家,全国拥有5000+家新闻媒体、10000+自媒体。依托于强大的自主研发系统与资深SEO技术团队支撑。坚持专注网络媒体定位,通过与网络媒体编 辑建立起长期战略性合作对媒体资源不断优化更新, 以专业、价格透明、低成本的一站式广告投放系统,促使广告主在网络营销领域里快速实现盈利状态。

    点击进入 - 2024-01-06 - 收藏
  • 芜湖职业技术学院教务处官网


    芜湖职业技术学院教务处官网https://jwc.whit.edu.cn/教务处是在院长和分管教学副院长领导下,负责全院教学和教务行政管理工作的职能机构。其主要工作职责是: 根据上级领导部门的指示和规定,结合我院实际情况,制订全院教学工作计划、有关教学方面的规章制度、有关教育事业发展规划、专业设置和调整计划及教学改革方面的意见,并负责组织实施,检查执行情况。北校区地址:安徽省芜湖市银湖北路62号 邮编:241006 南校区地址:安徽省芜湖市文津西路 邮编:241003 电话:0553-5777116

    点击进入 - 2023-12-26 - 收藏