兴业银行股份有限公司(简称“兴业银行”)1988年诞生于中国改革开放前沿——福建省福州市,2007年在上海证券交易所挂牌上市。 兴业银行传承弘扬“从严治行、专家办行、科技兴行”基本方略,锚定“服务能力突出、经营与管理特色突出、市场与品牌形象突出”的发展目标,把根扎在八闽大地、把枝叶伸向全国全球,实现了区域银行、全国银行、上市银行、现代综合金融服务集团的多级跨越。在2023年英国《银行家》“全球银行1000强”中按一级资本排名第17位,在2023年《财富》“世界500强”中排名第223位;荣膺英国《银行家》杂志“2023中国年度银行”大奖;2023年明晟(MSCI)ESG评级由A级提升为AA级,是境内唯一一家连续5年获得最高评级的银行。
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点击进入 - 2024-09-22 - 收藏考试宝 - 可以导入题库的在线考试刷题学习平台
点击进入 - 2024-09-12 - 收藏Luotian Xinpusheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
Luotian Xinpusheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,one of the main melatonin supplier in China, is located in Luotian Economic Development Zone. Now we are specializing in the R&D, production and technical cooperation of materials of health care products, food additives, APIs and pharmaceutical intermediates.In 2022, the company\'s sales subsidiary -- WUHAN ABILITY CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. -- was established in Wuhan.
点击进入 - 2024-05-05 - 收藏Mercado Libre Argentina - Envíos Gratis en el día
Comprá productos con Envío Gratis en el día en Mercado Libre Argentina. Encontrá miles de marcas y productos a precios increíbles.Mercado Libre(美客多)是南美洲最大的电商平台,被称为拉美版eBay,它在拉美地区的市场份额高于eBay和亚马逊,是很多跨境卖家掘金拉美的首选。美客多在南美十几个国家/地区运营,而它三个最大市场是巴西、阿根廷和墨西哥。其中,巴西是最大市场,占到整体电商业务规模的一半以上,而墨西哥则是发展最快的市场。 发展至今,美客多已经包含了几乎所有商品种类,如家用电器、运动户外、美容及个人护理、服饰、珠宝、玩具等。美客多2020年四季度商品交易总额(GMV)同比增长109.7%至66亿美元;售出商品2.294亿件,同比增长109.5%;活跃用户数同比增长71.3%至7400万。
点击进入 - 2024-04-28 - 收藏China International Exhibition Center Group Limite
Established in 1985, China International Exhibition Center Group Limited (CIEC Group) is under direct administration of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). Now it has developed into a group exhibition enterprise with the entire industry chain of exhibition hall management, domestic exhibitions, overseas exhibitions, exhibition design and engineering, exhibition transportation, exhibition information advertising, accommodation and catering, etc. It serves as a chairman unit of China Association for Exhibition Centers as well as chairman unit of CCOIC Convention and Exhibition Industry Committee.
点击进入 - 2024-04-25 - 收藏