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点击进入 - 2015-02-04 - 收藏澳门旅游学院官网Institute for Tourism Studies
澳门旅游学院Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT), established in 1995, is a public institution of higher education that falls under the governance of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government, People’s Republic of China. IFT offers degree and professional programmes in a wide range of tourism-related disciplines such as hospitality, tourism business,
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City University of Hong Kong aspires to become a leading global university, excelling in research and professional education. Ranked as one of top universities in Asia, its mission is to nurture and develop the talents of students and to create applicable knowledge in order to support social and economic advancement.
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The University of Macau (UM) was founded in 1981 with English being the main medium of instruction. It is dedicated to producing outstanding graduates, becoming a world-class university, and pursuing its education values including strengthening quality undergraduate education, attracting internationally renowned academics, promoting research excellence and innovation, and constructing an efficient and eco-friendly campus.
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