• Fynda på nätet-Fyndiq

    Fynda på nätet-Fyndiq

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  • The Best Free Resources for Designers and Developers - Freebiesbug

    The Best Free Resources for Designers and Developers - Freebiesbug

    Get free high quality design resources. Choose from an extensive selection of fonts, graphic and HTML templates, icons, mockups, and more!The Best Free Resources for Designers and Developers - Freebiesbug

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  • European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Home

    European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Home

    The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China was founded in 2000 by 51 member companies that shared a goal of establishing a common voice for the various business sectors of the European Union and European businesses operating in China. It is a members-driven, non-profit, fee-based organisation with a core structure of 26 Working Groups and 9 Fora representing European business in China.

    点击进入 - 2024-02-26 - 收藏
  • Harvard Business Review

    Harvard Business Review

    Find new ideas and classic advice on strategy, innovation and leadership, for global leaders from the world's best business and management experts.

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  • Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary

    Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary

    Acronym Finder is the largest and most trusted database of over 4 million acronyms and abbreviations. What does an abbreviation stands for? The answer is here

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  • MOREVFX墨境天合官网


    墨境天合(MOREVFX)成立于 2007 年,目前主营业务为电影视觉特效创作、管理、制作。MORE VFX 成立于 2007 年,是目前中国人自己的体量最大的视觉特效公司。公司以制作世界级的视觉特效为使命,一直以来,无论是在技术开发、视觉创作、制片流程,还是在视觉特效公司管理流程等方面,均引领着中国视觉特效的发展方向,公司现有北京、成都两个制作基地,聚集了大量国际级的视效总监、技术专家和艺术家,为制作高质量的视觉特效作品提供了最坚实的基础, MORE VFX 成都公司以电影数字特效和三维动画制作为主营业务,专注于国内顶级视觉特效与动画制作。秉承 MORE VFX 在概念设计、动态预演、生物角色动画、流体及动力学特效领域的强大实力,为客户提供高效优质的创意设计、制作服务。由公司主导或参与制作的影片曾多次获得香港金像奖、台湾金马奖最佳视觉效果提名及获奖。

    点击进入 - 2024-02-07 - 收藏
  • Drugdu官网


    Find Global Drug Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Equipment from Manufacturer and Trader, Agency and Sourcing Request, Buyer and Supplier, Exporter and Importer on Drugdu.com

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  • USPS官网


    Welcome to USPS.com. Track packages, pay and print postage with Click-N-Ship, schedule free package pickups, look up ZIP Codes, calculate postage prices, and find everything you need for sending mail and shipping packages.

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  • AITO问界汽车官网


    AITO,Adding Intelligence to Auto,为你带来更智慧的出行体验。”I”,即 Intelligence,代表 HarmonyOS 智能座舱等创新技术能力;通过“I”的赋能, AITO 致力于打造全新高端智慧汽车,将智能带入汽车,让汽车更智慧。AITO 汽车,赛力斯华为联合设计

    点击进入 - 2023-10-04 - 收藏
  • 中国土地估价师与土地登记代理人协会官网


    中国土地估价师与土地登记代理人协会官网www.creva.org.cn 中国土地估价师与土地登记代理人协会(简称“中估协”)成立于1994年5月,原名中国土地估价师协会,2014年8月更名为中国土地估价师与土地登记代理人协会。协会英文名称为China Real Estate Valuers and Agents Association,缩写为CREVA。协会是由具有土地估价资格、土地登记代理资格及从事土地估价、登记代理工作的组织和个人自愿组成,依法登记成立的、非营利性的全国行业自律性社会团体。

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