
  • 郑州市市区普通高中体育艺术后备生招生平台


    郑州市市区普通高中体育艺术后备生招生平台http://hbs.zzedu.net.cn/报名系统使用须知1.温馨提醒各位家长,请使用郑州市市区普通高中体育艺术后备生招生平台,用学生身份证号和姓名及监护人手机号激活账号后报名。2.推荐使用Google Chrome、FireFox火狐浏览器、360浏览器、IE10以上等主流浏览器。如您浏览器版本较低,建议做相应的升级。3.操作指南中的系统截图仅为操作示意图,由于操作系统/浏览器原因,颜色/布局与您看到的实际界面可能会有细微差别,请以实际系统界面为准。

    点击进入 - 2024-05-23 - 收藏
  • 郑州市中招信息采集平台



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  • Heficed官网


    Server infrastructure and IPv4 lease, management and monetization available in 9 data centers worldwide. Heficed is voted #1 infrastructure service.

    点击进入 - 2024-05-18 - 收藏
  • mulogin| The safest way to run multiple business

    mulogin| The safest way to run multiple business

    MuLogin Anti-detect Browser, mainly provides independent environmental isolation for each account, bringing convenience for users to log in to and manage multiple E-Commerce, Social Media Marketing, and Affiliate Marketing accounts on the same computer at the same time. Save team time, human costs, accounts environment costs, etc., improving teamwork efficiency.

    点击进入 - 2024-05-17 - 收藏
  • 四川普通中小学学籍查询(公众服务)系统


    四川普通中小学学籍查询(公众服务)系统https://bigapp.scedu.net/xjcx/index.html 四川省学籍管理服务平台https://zxxs.scedu.net/

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  • 四川省普通高等学校音乐基本功展示活动报名系统


    四川省普通高等学校音乐基本功展示活动报名系统https://bigapp.scedu.net/yyjbg/login大数据连着老百姓的衣食住行。教育领域利用互联网、大数据等信息技术,向公众开放公共信息资源,构建一个新型政务服务体系,真正把为民服务的最后一公里变成零距离。 我们运用大数据促进保障和改善民生,推进互联网+教育、努力推动教育领域公共服务均等化、普惠化、便利化,让老百姓有更多的便利感和切切实实的获得感,提升教育行政管理部门在包括公共服务在内的社会治理能力和水平。

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  • 2024四川省普通中小学招生入学服务管理系统


    2024四川省普通中小学招生入学服务管理系统https://bigapp.scedu.net/#/入学系统开放申请后 →填写学生信息完成注册→进入系统填写家长手机号码。完成登录后,进入报名界面,根据生源类型进行学位申请。 四川部分市州义务教育学校招生入学及录取工作纳入“四川省招生升学综合管理信息系统”实现“一网通办”,由市、县(区)教育主管部门实施统一管理、统一招生、统一发布公告和简章、统一宣传登记、统一实施录取、统一注册学籍

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  • Search listening tool for market - AnswerThePublic

    Search listening tool for market - AnswerThePublic

    Use our free tool to get instant, raw search insights, direct from the minds of your customers. Upgrade to a paid plan to monitor for new ways that people talk & ask questions about your brand, product or topic.

    点击进入 - 2024-05-16 - 收藏
  • Influencer Marketing - Tomoson

    Influencer Marketing - Tomoson

    Tomoson is the first software as a service geared towards influencer & micro-influencer outreach. Join our community and let Tomoson's dashboard organize the process.

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  • Manage All Your Campaigns | Julius

    Manage All Your Campaigns | Julius

    We believe in the power of people: as creators, as storytellers, and as icons,At the core of every experience is a story to be told, and every story needs a person to tell it. We launched Julius to help brands find the right people to tell their stories in more meaningful and intimate ways than ever before.

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