点击进入 - 2024-03-04 - 收藏苏州瑞玛精密工业股份有限公司
苏州瑞玛精密工业股份有限公司,2012年3月在苏州高新区浒关工业园成立;2020年3月,公司在深圳证券交易所正式挂牌上市,股票简称:瑞玛精密,股票代码:002976。 公司定位于精密智能制造,是汽车、移动通讯、新能源等领域的专精特新企业,主营业务为前述领域产品的精密模具、精密结构件及汽车空气悬挂系统、移动通讯设备的研发、制造及销售。公司现拥有控股公司10余家,在苏州高新区、苏州工业园区、广州市黄埔区、湖南省永州市、墨西哥克雷塔罗市、英国考文垂市等拥有生产基地,业务覆盖亚洲、欧洲和美洲等国家及地区。公司通过聚焦数字化转型、“5G+工业互联网”助力产业升级,打造先进智能制造模式,实现管理精益化、制造智能化的目标,致力于成为全球工业领域优秀的零部件及系统产品制造商,铸就以“CHEERSSON®”为代表的全球工业领域专业性品牌。
点击进入 - 2024-03-03 - 收藏European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Home
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China was founded in 2000 by 51 member companies that shared a goal of establishing a common voice for the various business sectors of the European Union and European businesses operating in China. It is a members-driven, non-profit, fee-based organisation with a core structure of 26 Working Groups and 9 Fora representing European business in China.
点击进入 - 2024-02-26 - 收藏ICC | International Chamber of Commerce
International Chamber of Commerce is the voice of world business championing the global economy as a force for economic growth, job creation and prosperity.
点击进入 - 2024-02-26 - 收藏中国意大利商会China-Italy Chamber of Commerce
中国意大利商会(CICC)是唯一得到意大利政府(意大利企业与意大利制造部)和中国政府(中华人民共和国民政部)共同认可的意大利企业家和专业人士组成的协会,其宗旨是推动意大利企业在华的国际化、提升意大利制造在中国的知名度。中国意大利商会于1991年成立于北京,现已在北京,天津, 重庆,成都,广州,深圳,上海和苏州八个城市分设有联络办公室。截止到2022年12月,中国意大利商会的会员和之友数量达到850个,其中涵盖意大利的主体实业(意大利国有控股和跨国企业),中小型制造和贸易型企业,咨询公司等。
点击进入 - 2024-02-25 - 收藏China Chamber of Commerce.me
China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products (hereinafter referred to as \"CCCME\"), founded in 1988, is a national social organization serving the production and import and export trade of China\' s machinery and electronic products, overseas investment cooperation and related activities. CCCME has over 10,000 member enterprises covering a wide range of industries and the complete supply chains, representing the industry as a whole. It has 21 industry branches, one Expert Committee and 6 working committees.
点击进入 - 2024-02-25 - 收藏China Textile & Apparel Online
China textile B2B marketplace; China textile suppliers\' directory & E-catalogues; Textile Tradeshow Calendar; Chinese Textile News; Web Designing & Hosting; Import/Export Resources
点击进入 - 2024-02-25 - 收藏Free People Search, Reverse Phone Lookup, Business
Find any persons across Canada on Canada 411 thanks to Canada411.ca™, Canada’s People Directory. Get maps, direction search, area or postal codes or even perform a reverse search with an address or phone number.
点击进入 - 2024-02-25 - 收藏