• Caixin Global

    Caixin Global

    Caixin is a media group dedicated to providing financial and business news through periodicals, online content, mobile apps, conferences, books and TV/video programs. Caixin aims to blaze a trail that helps traditional media prosper in the new media age through integrated multimedia platforms. The editorial staff at Caixin is well-known for independent thinking and professional practices. They are insiders with a profound understanding of China\'s economic and social transition. They are sharp observers with a global vision.

    点击进入 - 2024-09-12 - 收藏
  • 啄木鸟公益基金会


    啄木鸟公益基金会(Woodpecker Foundation)全名为广东省啄木鸟公益基金会,于2012年9月在广州注册登记,是一家面向全国开展项目的非公募基金会。啄木鸟公益基金会由财新传媒管理层、采编团队成员和学界专家共同发起,致力于开展促进公益传播、媒体发展研究和行业交流的各类公益项目。 基金会理事长杨大明,理事胡舒立、王烁、徐泓和张立晖,监事肖梦。秘书长由张立晖兼任,副秘书长马玲。 啄木鸟公益基金会为非公募基金会,原始基金为200万元,自成立以来陆续获得一些企业和基金会的捐赠。基金会日常运营的部分费用,由财新传媒无偿支持。

    点击进入 - 2021-12-24 - 收藏
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