• 黑龙江建筑职业技术学院智慧校园平台



    点击进入 - 2023-02-18 - 收藏
  • The Skeptic's Dictionary

    The Skeptic's Dictionary

    Skeptic\'s Dictionary致力于揭露超自然现象、神秘现象、替代医学等伪科学,帮助读者识别生活中各种伪科学与迷信。The Skeptic\'s Dictionary features definitions, arguments, and essays on hundreds of strange beliefs, amusing deceptions, and dangerous delusions. It also features dozens of entries on logical fallacies, cognitive biases, perception, science, and philosophy.

    点击进入 - 2023-02-15 - 收藏
  • World Book官网

    World Book官网

    World Book is a leading publisher of nonfiction and mixed-genre children's book series, reference materials, and digital learning platforms. Education is World Book’s commitment and its editorial team is World Book’s strength. Each team member is dedicated to producing accurate and unbiased information by utilizing contemporary technological tools and following traditional practices of editorial excellence. For more than 100 years, World Book has promoted learning for the entire family through a range of products in which complex topics are concisely explained and vividly illustrated. An explicit goal is to help increase both reading fluency and comprehension in young readers. Encyclopedic content is updated continually and accessible 24/7 on a variety of devices. Innovative and readable, World Book will remain a trusted and useful resource at home, in the library, and in the classroom for years to come.

    点击进入 - 2023-02-15 - 收藏
  • 百科全书在线 | Britannica

    百科全书在线 | Britannica

    Explore the fact-checked online encyclopedia from Encyclopaedia Britannica with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and images from experts.由私人机构大英百科全书出版社所出版的英语百科全书,被认为是当今世界上最知名、最具权威的百科全书,是英语世界俗称的ABC百科全书之一。

    点击进入 - 2023-02-15 - 收藏
  • Calico官网


    Tigera provides an active security platform with full-stack observability for containers and Kubernetes, and is the creator and maintainer of Calico Open Source, the most widely used container networking and security solution. Our solutions are used by leading companies, including AT&T, Discover, Merck, NBCUniversal, HanseMerkur, Allstate, Box, Siemens Healthineers, Playtech, Royal Bank of Canada, and Bell Canada.

    点击进入 - 2023-02-08 - 收藏
  • memcached官网


    memcached是一套分布式的高速缓存系统,由LiveJournal的Brad Fitzpatrick开发,但被许多网站使用。这是一套开放源代码软件,以BSD license授权发布。memcached缺乏认证以及安全管制,这代表应该将memcached服务器放置在防火墙后。memcached - a distributed memory object caching system

    点击进入 - 2023-02-07 - 收藏
  • 云采通供应商平台



    点击进入 - 2023-01-31 - 收藏
  • Musopen官网


    Download royalty free music and sheet music in PDF for free. We are a non-profit with the largest selection of public domain music and educational resources.

    点击进入 - 2023-01-29 - 收藏
  • 明豪彩升印刷官网



    点击进入 - 2023-01-13 - 收藏
  • OALib图书馆


    OALib图书馆www.oalib.com Open Access Library (www.oalib.com) is an academic search engine and publisher. You can download research papers for free and submit your paper to it. It is a shared academic database.

    点击进入 - 2022-12-25 - 收藏