Bio-Equip is a professional website which provides the information of equipments,reagents consumables,animals and bio services in the field of life science.
点击进入 - 2024-01-27 - 收藏美图集-高质量图片免费下载
点击进入 - 2024-01-24 - 收藏唧唧-bilibili视频|弹幕在线下载
点击进入 - 2023-12-27 - 收藏中国移动统一邮件系统登录
中国移动统一邮件系统登录 邮箱客服热线:400-1166-066 掌上营业厅 语音自助服务:10086 短信营业厅:10086 中国移动通信集团有限公司是按照国家电信体制改革的总体部署,于2000年组建成立的中央企业,注册资本 3000 亿元人民币,资产规模 2.1 万亿元人民币。自成立以来,在党中央、国务院的正确领导和上级部门的大力支持下,始终致力于推动信息通信技术服务经济社会民生,以创世界一流企业、做网络强国、数字中国、智慧社会主力军为目标,坚持创新驱动发展,加快转型升级步伐,已成为全球网络规模最大、客户数量最多、盈利能力和品牌价值领先、市值排名前列的电信运营企业。连续十八年获国资委中央企业负责人经营业绩考核A级,连续两次获评国资委科技创新突出贡献企业,连续二十二年入选财富世界五百强企业,2022年列第57位。
点击进入 - 2023-11-07 - 收藏Accueil - ScholarVox Management
Cyberlibris ScholarVox est la première bibliothèque numérique communautaire dédiée aux institutions académiques, écoles de commerce et écoles d'ingénieurs. Elle sert dans plus de 10 pays des dizaines de milliers de membres abonnés, étudiants, professeurs, chercheurs, bibliothécaires, passionnés par l'économie, les sciences de gestion au sens large et les sciences de l'ingénieur.
点击进入 - 2023-11-03 - 收藏Bioline International
Bioline International is a not-for-profit scholarly publishing cooperative committed to providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries. BI\'s goal of reducing the South to North knowledge gap is crucial to a global understanding of health (tropical medicine, infectious diseases, epidemiology, emerging new diseases), biodiversity, the environment, conservation and international development. By providing a platform for the distribution of peer-reviewed journals (currently from Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, India, Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda and Venezuela), BI helps to reduce the global knowledge divide by making bioscience information generated in these countries available to the international research community world-wide.
点击进入 - 2023-11-02 - 收藏