• 北京出入境网上预约业务系统


    北京出入境网上预约业务系统http://gaj.beijing.gov.cn/crjgl/为方便中外人士办理出入境手续,北京市公安局出入境管理网上办事大厅,及时发布最新的出入境动态及信息。您可以在此了解办理相关出入境证件的流程及申请材料等信息,本市户籍人员、符合条件的非本市户籍人员均可在此办理申办出入境证件预约手续。 目前,出入境网上办事大厅的功能和内容尚待完善,欢迎社会各界为我们提供宝贵的意见和建议,我们将根据申请人的需求,不断提高出入境管理工作的服务水平。再次感谢社会各界对首都公安出入境管理工作的关注与支持。 北京市公安局出入境管理总队咨询电话:010-84020101

    点击进入 - 2018-09-11 - 收藏
  • Beijing Official Website International

    Beijing Official Website International

    eBeijing: Beijing\'s Homepage, the Official English website of the City of Beijing www.ebeijing.gov.cn Beijing Official Website International - eBeijing.gov.cn

    点击进入 - 2017-09-11 - 收藏
  • China Daily Website

    China Daily Website

    Chinadaily.com.cn is the largest English portal in China, providing news, business information, BBS, learning materials. The Website has channels as China, BizChina, World, Opinion, Sports/Olympics, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Culture, Citylife, Photo, Forum and Weather.

    点击进入 - 2017-09-11 - 收藏
  • Dulwich College Beijing

    Dulwich College Beijing

    Dulwich College Beijing is a British International school offering a curriculum based upon the English National Curriculum.www.dulwich-beijing.cn

    点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏
  • 北京世青国际学校官网


    Beijing World Youth Academy is an international school with a reputation for results. Locally grounded, globally aware. IB World School. Established 2001.www.ibwya.net

    点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏
  • Canadian International School of Beijing

    Canadian International School of Beijing

    CISB offers a world-class facility with an internationally recognized Canadian Education Curriculum. The grade levels at CISB range from Montessori to Grade 12. CISB is also an IB School.www.cisb.com.cn

    点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏
  • 常春藤国际学校官网


    Beijing Collegiate Academy 常春藤国际学校 www.ccaschools.cn 常春藤国际学校是哈佛教学体制下的教育及学校管理机构。由教育咨询及管理行业的专家合作建立,这其中有哈佛及西北大学校友,也有国际蒙台梭利机构的代表人物。自建立伊始采用国际教育学方法并吸取了世界各国学校的成功管理模式经验来推动中国儿童早期教育的进步,常春藤国际学校的成立更是旨在中国成功打造一所可以满足学前班到高中的双语教育学校。

    点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏
  • BCIS官网


    BCIS - Beijing City International School Beijing City International School - News, Events & Updates Welcome to the Beijing City International School (BCIS) website. I hope it provides you with helpful information about our vibrant school community. Our school’s mission is “to educate and empower students to be compassionate and inspired people, who act for the good of all and for the sustainable development of the world”. This has given rise to our school motto: “Empowering and inspiring through challenge and compassion.” We are a school that focuses on academic excellence and confidence building, while nurturing in our students a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility. We celebrate the fact that each student is different, as a person and as a learner, and we aim to offer a personalized education specifically designed to stimulate the intellectual curiosity of each child.

    点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏
  • 北京中小学生安全知识网络竞赛



    点击进入 - 2016-04-04 - 收藏
  • 北京外国语大学



    点击进入 - 2015-01-06 - 收藏
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