点击进入 - 2016-12-28 - 收藏北京燕山汽车驾驶学校
北京燕山汽车驾驶学校www.yanshanjiaxiao.com燕山驾校始建于1984年,主管单位是北京市交管局京南车管所和房山区燕山教委。 本地区只有我校一家以燕山驾校为校名,并且具有法人资质的驾校。
点击进入 - 2016-10-01 - 收藏南京国际学校官网
On behalf of Nanjing International School (NIS), I welcome you to our website and to our school. NIS was founded in 1992 and is proud to be the first three-programme International Baccalaureate school in China, PreK to Grade 12, and the only IB World School in Nanjing. I hope that the information on our website is both useful and reflective of our school mission: an inclusive community inspiring personal excellence, international-mindedness, and creative thinking. These four pillars are the foundation of learning at NIS, a place where we pay attention to the individual development of each student. Our strong sense of community is held by students, parents and staff, reflecting over 40 different nationalities. A visit to our campus immediately conveys a feeling that embraces both diversity and a close community, whether walking through classes, enjoying a snack or meal in the cafeteria, employing the Design Cycle in the Design Centre or the Design Pit, or meeting with fellow parents in our Centre Cafe, overlooking the swimming pool, or on your way to the gym.
点击进入 - 2016-08-09 - 收藏天津中小学生安全知识网络竞赛
点击进入 - 2016-04-04 - 收藏临沂华健驾校官方网站
临沂驾校_临沂学车_临沂驾驶学校—临沂华健驾校官方网站www.huajianjiaxiao.com临沂华健驾校于2005年首次通过省交通厅验收,取得了机动车驾驶员培训资格,该校是国家综合类一级驾校。 临沂华健汽车驾驶员培训学校共分两个校区:北校区座落在河东区外环路中段坡埠村,紧靠省道227左侧;南校区座落在临沂市经济开发区新327国道重沟段,环境优美,交通便利,是您学车的理想天地;驾校拥有大小车辆50多辆(车型有普桑、富康、皮卡、解放等教练车);同时学校拥有先进的教学设备;多媒体教室,微机室,模拟机室,娱乐室及休息室;食堂,宿舍齐全。
点击进入 - 2014-09-22 - 收藏