• 天坛公园线上购票入口


    天坛公园线上购票入口http://www.tiantanpark.com/天坛是世界上现存最大的古代祭天建筑群,是明清两代皇帝“祭天”“祈谷”的场所,位于正阳门外东侧。坛域北呈圆形,南为方形,寓意“天圆地方”。四周环筑坛墙两道,把全坛分为内坛、外坛两部分,总面积273公顷,主要建筑集中于内坛。 内坛分为南北两部。北为“祈谷坛”,用于孟春祈祷丰年,中心建筑是祈年殿。南为“圜丘坛”,专门用于“冬至”祭天,中心建筑是一巨大的圆形石台,名“圜丘”。两坛之间以一长360米,高出地面的甬道——丹陛桥相连,共同形成一条南北长1200米的天坛建筑轴线,两侧为大面积古柏林。

    点击进入 - 2024-05-19 - 收藏
  • 天安门城楼预约系统


    天安门城楼售票预约系统https://www.tiananmenchenglou.com/预约方式。天安门城楼未授权任何第三方机构或个人代理门票业务。为确保您顺利参观,请务必通过官方预约渠道“天安门城楼参观预约”网站(网址: www.tiananmenchenglou.com)、微信公众号: 天安门城楼参观预约、京通微信小程序、京通支付宝小程序、京通百度小程序进行实名制预约。可预约次日起7日内门票,选择参观时段进行预约,无当日票及现场售票。每个参观日,参观时间内每人限预约1次。人脸信息比对验证。为维护公共安全,保证天安门城楼参观秩序,在游客实名预约购票及现场验票过程中,需要对游客人脸信息进行比对验证。天安门城楼会按照国家相关法律规定,对所获取的游客脸部信息进行严格保密,并保障相关信息安全,防止脸部信息非法泄露或不当使用。

    点击进入 - 2024-05-19 - 收藏
  • mulogin| The safest way to run multiple business

    mulogin| The safest way to run multiple business

    MuLogin Anti-detect Browser, mainly provides independent environmental isolation for each account, bringing convenience for users to log in to and manage multiple E-Commerce, Social Media Marketing, and Affiliate Marketing accounts on the same computer at the same time. Save team time, human costs, accounts environment costs, etc., improving teamwork efficiency.

    点击进入 - 2024-05-17 - 收藏
  • 快洋淘指纹浏览器-多开账户防关联指纹浏览器



    点击进入 - 2024-05-17 - 收藏
  • Search listening tool for market - AnswerThePublic

    Search listening tool for market - AnswerThePublic

    Use our free tool to get instant, raw search insights, direct from the minds of your customers. Upgrade to a paid plan to monitor for new ways that people talk & ask questions about your brand, product or topic.

    点击进入 - 2024-05-16 - 收藏
  • Manage All Your Campaigns | Julius

    Manage All Your Campaigns | Julius

    We believe in the power of people: as creators, as storytellers, and as icons,At the core of every experience is a story to be told, and every story needs a person to tell it. We launched Julius to help brands find the right people to tell their stories in more meaningful and intimate ways than ever before.

    点击进入 - 2024-05-15 - 收藏
  • Grow and Manage Your Instagram Account | Combin

    Grow and Manage Your Instagram Account | Combin

    Increase Instagram followers and manage your account effectively. Gain more followers and boost your Instagram account productivity with Combin.

    点击进入 - 2024-05-15 - 收藏
  • Onlypult - Social Media Scheduling and Publishing

    Onlypult - Social Media Scheduling and Publishing

    The best SMM tool to work with social media. Try publisher tool and other services 7 days free. Posts from the web and scheduled posts. Multiple accounts.Onlypult - Social Media Scheduling and Publishing Tool

    点击进入 - 2024-05-15 - 收藏
  • Awario - Start brand monitoring for free!

    Awario - Start brand monitoring for free!

    Start brand monitoring for free! Track mentions on the web sources, analyze your competition, monitor your niche influencers, and find leads on social networks!

    点击进入 - 2024-05-15 - 收藏
  • Service Permanently Closed - Jarvee

    Service Permanently Closed - Jarvee

    Social media blog with a lot to talk about! Check out the latest news and information on how to market your business on social media.Service Permanently Closed - Jarvee

    点击进入 - 2024-05-15 - 收藏