
  • 火眼作业官网


    火眼作业官网www.huoyanzuoye.com火眼作业是深圳威兹讯科技有限公司旗下产品。 威兹讯的目标是成为在线辅导第一品牌。 威兹讯的使命是\"让知识在无障碍流通中更快实现价值\"。希望通过技术创新以及服务创新,平衡中国的教育资源,让知识可以更好的流通,让任何想需要知识的人随时随地可以找到知识源。

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  • 猿辅导网



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  • 小猿搜题官方网站


    小猿搜题 - 中小学拍照搜题利器www.yuansouti.com完全免费的学习利器!用拍照搜题的方式解决中小学作业难题。

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  • Astronomy Magazine

    Astronomy Magazine

    Astronomy.com is for anyone who wants to learn more about astronomy events, cosmology, planets, galaxies, asteroids, astrophotography, the Big Bang, black holes, comets, constellations, eclipses, exoplanets, nebulae, meteors, quasars, observing, telescopes, NASA, Hubble, space missions, stargazing, and more

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  • Sky Telescope

    Sky Telescope

    Sky & Tel covers the latest night-sky events, astronomy news, astrophotography and observing tips. Also browse our video & podcast guides to tonight's sky.www.skyandtelescope.co 天空和望远镜(Sky & Telescope)是一份涵盖业余天文学各个方面的美国月刊。网站提供最新夜空事件,天文新闻,天文摄影和观察技巧。

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  • 天文网


    天文网是为天文爱好者提供全面的宇宙天体、航天探索、天文观测摄影等天文知识,最新最全的星空图片、天文视频,及UFO、外星人等未知文明和生命的揭秘,致力于做中国最... www.tianwenwang.cn

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  • Canadian Association of Physicists

    Canadian Association of Physicists

    Canadian Association of Physicists www.cap.ca Canadian Association of Physicists - Supporting Physics Research and Education in Canadian since 1965

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  • the American Center for Physics

    the American Center for Physics

    the American Center for Physics www.acp.org About the American Center for Physics The American Center for Physics brings three Societies together in one building: the American Institute of Physics (AIP) the American Physical Society (APS) the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) The wooded 24-acre site off Kenilworth Avenue in College Park, Maryland, was purchased in the summer of 1992, with occupancy of the building starting in the fall of 1993. The site is ideally situated in close proximity to both Washington DC and the University of Maryland, one of the nation\'s leading research universities and home to strong physics and engineering departments, with easy access to public transportation. Designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, the ACP building was envisioned to be a true center and showcase for physics. Special care was taken with the design of the building and the quality of materials used. To foster a sense of community, the entire ground floor is dedicated to common usage with shared meeting spaces, a cafeteria, and a central rotunda featuring vitrines for art exhibitions.

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  • American Nuclear Society

    American Nuclear Society

    The premier professional society serving the nuclear industry. Online offerings include meeting information, nuclear news, publications, member services, a career center, public information, and many other resources.www.ans.org

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  • ENS - European Nuclear Society

    ENS - European Nuclear Society

    Welcome to ENS - European Nuclear Society www.euronuclear.org ENS, European Nuclear Society, Pime, RRFM, Pime 2011, RRFM 2011, Topseal, TopNux, TopFuel, e-bulletin, e-news, Nuclear Glossary, Nuclear Diary, Marion Br?glinghaus, Marion Bruenglinghaus, Kirsten Epskamp

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