德国国家旅游局官方网站www.germany.travelOn behalf of the German federal government, the GNTB (德国国家旅游局北京办事处) has been working internationally to promote Germany as a travel destination for more than 60 years. It communicates the diverse appeal of the country to a worldwide market, thereby promoting a strong and attractive brand – \'Destination Germany\'. The GNTB plays an important role in the promotion of Germany as a travel destination on the international market. Its activities include the development of new marketing strategies and concepts based on specific themes, events and attractions and also bringing together and optimising the diverse marketing activities of partners in the German travel industry. It also takes an active role in the form of far-ranging sales activities in new growth markets. In this respect, the GNTB relies on its close collaboration with the German travel industry, partners from commerce and trade associations.
点击进入 - 2017-11-18 - 收藏山西旅游网-山西省旅游发展委员会官方网站
点击进入 - 2017-11-18 - 收藏温州旅游网-温州市旅游局官方网站
温州旅游网-温州市旅游局官方网站www.wzta.gov.cn 协调局机关政务工作;负责文秘、档案、保密、行政、后勤、财务、重要会务、信访、保卫、对外联络、信息、咨询工作;负责局机关及其直属单位机构编制、人事和 劳动工资管理、离退休干部管理服务工作;指导旅游行业的财会管理工作;配合财政部门审核旅游发展专项资金的使用;负责旅游项目招商引资工作。
点击进入 - 2017-11-18 - 收藏甘肃省旅游局网络培训平台
甘肃省旅游局网络培训平台www.gslypx.com甘肃省旅游局 甘肃省旅游局网络培训平台,甘肃省旅游局,网络培训平台,www.gslypx.com
点击进入 - 2014-06-08 - 收藏