• 济宁孔子国际学校


    济宁孔子国际学校Jining Confucius International School济宁孔子国际学校创办于2009年,学校座落于山东济宁国家高新技术产业开发区科技新城,是经政府批准的十五年一贯制学校。学校以“科学务实、自强不息、追求完美”为校风,以“仁、达、雅、智、信”为校训.学校本着“以人为本”的核心价值观,提倡“学习、创造、享受”的育人理念,张扬学生个性,促进学生全面发展。 Founded in 2009, Jining Confucius International School is a government-granted school of a 15-year system which is located in the Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone of Jining. With “Pragmatism, Perseverance and Excellence” being the school spirit, and “Be Benevolent, Be Philosophical, Be Elegant, Be Intelligent And Be Honest” being the school motto. Sticking to the student-oriented value and the concept of studying with creativity and enjoyment, the school encourages students to show their personalities and promotes their overall development.

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