
  • 宝德学院教务系统登录入口


    宝德学院教务系统登录入口http://jwgl.boustead.edu.cn/天津商业大学宝德学院是2004年经教育部批准的本科层次独立学院,学制四年。学生学习期满、成绩合格的颁发本科毕业证书,符合学位授予条件的颁发学士学位证书。 学院以管理学、经济学和艺术学等学科为主,兼有文学等学科。目前,设有思政课教学部、基础课教学部、经济贸易系、外国语言文学系、工商管理系、会计学系、影视与舞蹈系、艺术设计系以及经济管理虚拟仿真实验教学中心等教学单位。共有金融学、国际经济与贸易、电子商务、英语、日语、商务英语、工商管理、市场营销、人力资源管理、物流管理、酒店管理、会计学、财务管理、审计学、舞蹈表演、表演、戏剧影视文学、广播电视编导、动画、视觉传达设计、环境设计、产品设计、服装与服饰设计和公共艺术24个本科专业。

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  • 宝鸡文理学院教学管理系统


    宝鸡文理学院教学管理系统https://jwxt.bjwlxy.cn/eams/loginExt.action宝鸡文理学院是一所省属普通本科高等学校,是陕西省“国内一流学科建设高校”。 学校创建于1958年,时名宝鸡大学(本科);1975年在此基础上成立陕西师范大学宝鸡分校(本科);1978年经国务院批准,定名为宝鸡师范学院;1992年经原国家教委批准,更名为宝鸡文理学院。

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  • MicroD


    MicroD has ecommerce solutions to help the furniture industry grow their businesses. Plus, with digital marketing services, EDI software and product visualization, MicroD has the solution for you.

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  • Foodservice Equipment & Supplies

    Foodservice Equipment & Supplies

    Foodservice Equipment and Supplies (FE&S) is the one media source that connects equipment and supplies manufacturers and service providers with the full distribution channel including foodservice operators, E&S dealers, and facility design consultants.

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  • SpecPage – PLM & Compliance Software

    SpecPage – PLM & Compliance Software

    SpecPage is a leading vendor of PLM solutions for the recipe-based manufacturing industry, with experience serving global food & beverage manufacturers.

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  • Cognism


    Cognism is a leader in premium sales intelligence, setting a new standard for data quality and compliance, trusted by over 1800 customers worldwide.

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  • Inc42: Latest Indian Tech

    Inc42: Latest Indian Tech

    Inc42 is India’s largest startup media & information platform on a mission to build & serve India’s tech, startup & internet economy.

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  • Abmatic AI | Personalized websites without code

    Abmatic AI | Personalized websites without code

    Convert the traffic you already have and reach different customer segments through personalized websites. No code ─ build personalizations in minutes.

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  • Optimizely


    The home of exceptional digital experiences - Optimizely powers the entire marketing lifecycle, unlocking your team to create content with speed, launch experiments with confidence, and deliver experiences of the highest quality.

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  • Harvard Business Review

    Harvard Business Review

    Find new ideas and classic advice on strategy, innovation and leadership, for global leaders from the world's best business and management experts.

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